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Global Business Services Value Proposition: Governing Business Process Outsourcing Relationships

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) has become a strategic tool for organizations seeking to enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and focus on core competencies. However, the success of BPO sourcing model largely depends on effective governance. The governance of BPO services is crucial for creating strategic value, ensuring process effectiveness and efficiency, and enhancing the operating model by maintaining ownership and accountability within the relevant corporate functions.

Transformational Leadership

Bass (1990) defines transformational leadership in this way: “Superior leadership performance -- transformational leadership -- occurs when leaders broaden and elevate the interests of their employees, when they generate awareness and acceptance of the purpose and mission of the group, and when they stir their employees to look beyond their own self-interest for the good of the group” (p. 21). The article proposes a concept of transformational leadership as a synthesis of adaptive, authentic and inspirational leadership approaches.

Project-Based vs Business Operations

Many organizations today are project-based or project-oriented, and these organizations are strongly connected to corporate strategy. Indeed, the role of project-based operations is 1) to implement corporate strategy 2) to translate this strategy into programmes and projects and 3) to create a competitive advantage for the organizations. In that context, we ask two questions: 1) Do the business operations design parameters apply to project-based operations design? and 2) What changes are required to make design parameters work effectively at project-based operations?

SILENCE! Transformation in Progress

In recent years the topic of transformation has become increasingly important and sparked interest in both academic and empirical fields. Business and social environments are changing quickly and encouraging companies and societies to find new ways to adapt and change frequently. Transformation programmes have become common in all industries and markets -- continuous transformation is a new normal ecosystem.

Planning and Forecasting

Reliance on planning and forecasting has mushroomed since the dawn of the computer era. Data flows freely up and down the business hierarchy, greatly enhancing leaders’ ability to oversee performance and respond in real time. Nonetheless, there are still substantial problems in both theoretical and practical development of planning and forecasting; examining these problems carefully will inform future research.

Leading the Transformation Programme

The world of transformation management has evolved significantly. Though today’s leaders use artificial intelligence techniques to predict outcomes, transformation remains challenging and unruly. Kotter (2006) says, “Most major change initiatives – whether intended to boost quality, improve culture, or reverse a corporate death spiral – generate only lukewarm results. Many fail miserably” (p. 1).

Art in Designing Global Operating Model

Having a proper operating model is a key prerequisite of business success, a starting point for making organizational design decisions. The model first works as a spine to frame relevant business processes and governance environments. Second, it brings transparency to organization structure. Third, it allows businesses to create effective motivation systems and management practices. Finally, the model enables companies to pursue a deliberate set of business priorities.

Cash is King

Many businesses face liquidity crises; the list is growing fast and becoming endless. What causes this brutal phenomenon? There are no easy answers. Here we aim to introduce an approach by which leaders can minimize liquidity management risk and enrich the experience of key stakeholders. A sophisticated approach in governing order-to-cash (OTC) process is an essential prerequisite for achieving and sustaining success.