Our Team


Sofiia Ovchar

I first created a fairy tale when I was 5 years old. I told it to Daddy. We were laughing and crying together through the Prince’s journey in Wonderland. Since then, I have been writing stories and creating poems for my friends, teachers and family.

Passionate about writing stories, drawing pictures and playing sports.


Email | volodymyr@uchicago.edu

Svitlana Kishynska

Senior HR leader, with proven experience in the full range of HR function. Strong in cultural development, transformation management, organizational design and talent acquisition.

Passionate about leadership development and coaching.

Graduated from the University of Oxford


Email | Svitlana.Kishynska.DIPOL18@said.oxford.edu

Illya Ovchar

I first picked up a camera when I was 15 and soon began photographing people, a subject that remains central to my work. Beginning with film photography, I immersed myself in classic methods of image-making, which taught me the importance of creating the perfect photograph. My work has graced such magazines as Marie Claire.

When not in front of the camera, I write opinion articles for the largest photography blogs in the world such as Fstoppers, PetaPixel, and DIYPhotography. Alongside that, I coach photographers interested in the craft.

Studying Management and Technology at the Technical University of Munich (TUM)


Website | https://illyaovchar.com

Email | illya@illyaovchar.com

Vlad Ovchar

“…if you want to help other people, be a manager. If done well, management is among the most noble of professions.” Clayton Magleby Christensen.

I am a manager, with a strong background in leading transformation programmes and business integrations, designing new organization and operating models, steering prescriptive and relational governance environments and building up--and scaling up--global centers of expertise.

MBA graduated from the University of Chicago, Master of Science graduated from the University of Oxford


Email | volodymyr@uchicago.edu